About EARG

East Africa Resource Group (EARG) is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary consulting company that was registered on 5th July 2002 and is based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The main objective of the EARG is to undertake applied research training and consultancy work on environmental and social management issues with focus on national and international Safeguards Policies. EARG undertakes Environmental Assessments covering activities related to projects, plans, policies, programmes and strategies that relate to the environment, social economic and natural resources management, utilizing its core members and associates who come from various institutions within and outside Tanzania.

EARG is registered with the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) to undertake Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit in Tanzania and was issued with registration Numbers: NEMC/EIA/003 and NEMC/EA/008 on 25th February 2011 respectively.

Our Vision

EARG strives “to become a reputable and recognized applied research and consultancy firm that is responding to national, regional and global development challenges through engagement in collaborative applied research, consultancy and capacity building programmes that involve both the public and private sectors.”

Our Mission

EARG is committed to pursuit of high quality applied research and consultancy and community services geared towards promotion of sustainable development at local, national, regional and global levels.

EARG’s Services / Products

EARG’s main business is to offer services in the areas of consultancy, training and applied research in fields around its core focus areas (described above). Over the years, EARG staff have provided high class consultancy services in areas of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Environmental Audits, Resettlement action Planning (RAPs, Resettlement Policy Frameworks (RPF), Environmental and Social Management Frameworks (ESMF), Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS) (including ISO Certification), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Company Environmental Policies, training in national and international safeguards, These services have resulted in several products that includes various reports and policy documents that have enabled our clients obtain relevant environmental certification and approvals, certification with ISO and several other recognitions for the companies and public sectors that commissioned the services. EARG’s track record speaks of excellent products where none of the works undertaken have been rejected by the approving authorities and all the companies and public sectors have proceeded to implement their projects or programme, thus making a huge contribution to the development and economic growth of Tanzania and in East Africa where EARG has provided its services.

EARG’s Staff Competence

EARG has core staff with PhDs and Master’s degrees in environmental assessment and management, sociology, biology, demography and population dynamics, development policies, ecology, environmental engineering and resource assessment and planning, and remote sensing data techniques. These core staffs have expertise covering various respective areas of competence and working together as a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team. In addition, EARG draws its strength from several associates that provide the technical input to the assignments that EARG undertakes whenever these are needed. The associates are usually individuals with qualification and requisite experience to meet EARG core business goals and principles. For example, several of the associates have PhDs, Masters Degrees, Bachelor Degrees and Diplomas in various fields including assessment skills, application of technologies required to meet national and international standards. EARG compares favourably with some of the best consultancy firms in Tanzania. EARG staff has worked with almost all government departments and major development partners such as the World Bank, European Investment Bank, African Development Bank (AfDB), JICA and KfW in various programmes and projects and have experiences in the application of Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS), IFC’s Performance Standards (PS) and Equator Principles.

A Synopsis of Experience working in Tanzania and East Africa

Staffs from EARG have been involved in the provision of consultancy services covering various projects and programmes including Mining of Coal, Gypsum, and iron Ore, Gold, railway construction, road construction, power generation plants, (hydro, gas, coal, geothermal, wind), airport construction, hospital construction, manufacturing. Others are development of energy policy, transport plan master, continuous monitoring of the implementation of safeguard policies (World Bank’s ESS and IFC PS for SGR and power Transmission Lines, Tourism Development, Industrial Production and Manufacturing.